
Salmon and Egg Fried Rice

Salmon and Egg Fried Rice

Looking for a flavorful and satisfying meal that’s as easy to make as it is delicious? Look no further than this mouthwatering Salmon Egg Fried Rice recipe. Packed with protein-rich salmon, vibrant vegetables, and fragrant aromatics, this dish is a celebration of flavors and textures that will tantalize your taste buds without the guilt. With a simple yet dynamic combination of ingredients, it’s a perfect weeknight dinner option for the whole family. Let’s dive into the recipe and discover how to whip up this culinary delight in just a few simple steps.


Serves 3

thumb-sized piece root ginger, grated

2 garlic cloves, grated

2 tbsp. coconut aminos

½ tbsp. rice wine vinegar

2 tbsp. olive oil

1 carrot, sliced

3.5 oz. Romano flat green beans, topped & tailed, chopped in half

3.5 oz. baby corn

2 skinless salmon filets

8.8 oz. cooked brown rice

2 eggs

hot sauce, to serve


green onion (spring onion), chopped, for garnish

Paleo Asian Inspired Recipe Pack

How to Prepare

Mix the ginger, garlic, coconut aminos and vinegar together in a small bowl, and set aside.

Heat a large skillet or wok over medium heat. Add 1 tablespoon of the olive oil into the wok, adding the vegetables and salmon. Sauté the salmon for 2 minutes on each side. Add the rice into the wok, stir to combine, flaking the cooked salmon into smaller pieces. Now push everything to the side of the pan.

Add the remaining oil to the wok, crack in the eggs, stirring until scrambled. Once cooked, stir the eggs through the rice and pour over the ginger and garlic sauce. Allow the mixture to simmer gently for 2-3 minutes.

When ready to serve, divide the mixture into bowls and top with a drizzle of hot sauce.

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