
How Fats Affect Metabolism

How Fats Affect Metabolism

If you’ve been wondering, “How fats affect metabolism?” this post is for you!

If you feel like your metabolism is slowing, your weight is creeping up, or your energy is low….this post is for you.

What you need to know is there are 2 driving forces behind a sluggish metabolism:

✅ Insulin Resistance

✅ Chronic Inflammation

And also that we have 🙌loads of ways to reverse these things🙌

A new study found a direct link between blood levels of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids and key markers of metabolic health in middle-aged adults:

😥 Higher levels of omega-6 were linked with worse levels of insulin resistanceinflammation, and cholesterol—not a good thing.

😀 Higher levels of omega-3 were linked with healthier metabolic markers.

This is easy to influence by the foods we eat!

✖️ Main food sources of omega-6 fats are refined oils and processed foods

✔️ Main food sources of omega-3 fats are nuts, seeds, and seafood

I work with my clients to find foods and recipes that fit their lifestyle AND support their health. 

To optimize your omega 3 levels, consider measuring your levels of omega-3 and omega-6. Test, don’t guess! 


Jurado-Fasoli L, Osuna-Prieto FJ, Yang W, et al. High omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid and oxylipin ratio in plasma is linked to an adverse cardiometabolic profile in middle-aged adults [published online ahead of print, 2023 Mar 24]. J Nutr Biochem. 2023;109331. [link

Omega Supplements

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