
Hemp Seed Milk

Hemp Seed Milk

Are you looking for a nutritious, creamy, and delicious non-dairy milk alternative to incorporate into your diet? Consider trying hemp seed milk! Hemp seed milk is made from ground up hemp seeds and has many health benefits including promoting heart health, skin health, energy levels, aiding digestion and more. This versatile plant-based drink can be enjoyed in many different ways – blended into smoothies for snacks or part of a meal plan as an ingredient in recipes – so keep reading to find out why hemp seed milk might just be the perfect option if you’re trying to replace dairy.


Makes 2 cups

cup hemp seeds

2 cups water

⅛ teaspoon cinnamon

¼ teaspoon pure vanilla

Hemp Seed Recipe Pack

How to Prepare

Place hemp seeds in a blender and add the 2 cups of water. Blend for 1 to 2 minutes.

Pour hemp milk into a nut milk bag* over a large bowl. Squeeze the bag so that the milk flows through the bag and into the bowl. The hemp seed pulp should be left inside the bag and discarded.

 Sweeten milk, if desired. Store milk in an airtight container in the coldest part of the refrigerator. The milk should last 2 to 3 days before spoiling.

 *NOTE: Don’t have a nut milk bag? Try a clean kitchen towel.

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