
How to Reset Your Body and Your Life in 90 Days

WildFit Challenge Review

Looking for an honest WildFit review? After years of trying different diets, I discovered how to reset my body and transform my life in just 90 days through the WildFit Challenge. In this comprehensive WildFit review, I’ll share my personal journey and explain why this program stands out from other dietary approaches.

✨ Are you ready to make your health a priority? ✨

There is no time like the present to invest in yourself and take the next steps to live the life you deserve.  I understand that it can be difficult to change some habits. After all, some of our habits started when we were kids. But I believe that when we know better, we do better.  If you knew how to have the body shape and the health you wanted, you would already have it. I understand that there are a million different diets out there and we all have analysis paralysis. How are we supposed to know which diet will work for our body? We’ve all tried different diets before and wound up gaining all the weight back and more. Why bother trying something else and feeling like a failure? Why can’t it just be easy and fun? It can be! I’ve found a way to reset my body and my life in only 90 days.

WildFit foods

The First step is you have to set your intention.

I know this sounds simple but this step is the most important.  You have to know what you want and have a powerful and inspiring “why,” so that you feel empowered to take action. What is your ideal vision of yourself? How do you want to feel? What do you want to be doing on a consistent basis? Paint a very clear picture here.  This step will build the momentum you need to take you to where you want to go. No one else on the planet can do this for you. This is the highest vision that you have for yourself and nothing is going to stop you from achieving it. This is where a lot of diets fail to bring about lasting change. You lose a few pounds to look good in a swimsuit for a vacation, but then you come home and you eat the way you did before starting the diet. We all know what happens next, you wind up heavier than you were before the diet. When you raise your standards and live a life in accordance with your highest vision of yourself, there is no reverting back. That becomes unacceptable to you.

Once you have set your highest vision of yourself, it’s time to shift your mindset and your eating habits.  This means that you have to actually learn some things about nutrition. If you keep eating the way you’ve been eating, you will get the same results that you’ve always gotten.  This brings us back to analysis paralysis. How do we know what “diet” is the right diet? There is so much conflicting information out there. That’s when I learned that there is a natural “human diet”. A diet that humans are actually supposed to eat. Every species on the planet has its own natural diet that allows it to thrive. This concept takes up back to the time of our early ancestors when we were hunters and gatherers. Our early ancestors lived with the natural seasons. They didn’t have the luxury of an entire grocery store full of every food imaginable.  When we eat in alignment with what we are supposed to be eating, something totally amazing happens. Your body rises up to meet your new higher standards that you have set for yourself. You release weight that you have been holding on to for years, you have the most restful sleep and the most beautiful vivid dreams. You actually have energy. Yes, Energy! You can run around with your kids and actually keep up with them. You can play and have fun! You have a renewed vitality that you haven’t had for years. Aches and pains that you have been putting up with for decades, disappear. Health conditions that you have been dealing with, far too long, start to fade. Your skin clears and you have a glowing complexion. I can’t express enough how exciting this is. This is a game changer. To have the energy that you need to do all the amazing things that you want to do with your life is priceless.

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The easiest way to adopt the hunter gatherer lifestyle is a program called the WildFit 90 Day Challenge. It completely changed my life.  Not only does it teach you the solid nutritional information that you need, it also helps you change your mindset and behaviors.  Over the past 20 years I have tried all the other “diets” out there and none of them have brought about lasting change. After completing the WildFit 90 day Challenge, I finally have food freedom. No more cravings, no more emotional eating, no more being manipulated by the food industry.

WildFit Fitness Evolved - WildFit review

During the WildFit 90 Day Challenge you are taken on a powerful journey of self-discovery. It’s one of the best personal development investments that you could ever make. When you raise your standards in one area of your life, your whole life changes. It’s as if you are looking at the world in a whole new way. Not to mention the self-confidence that you gain when you are making empowering decisions.

My WildFit Review

During the WildFit 90 Day challenge, I easily lost 38 pounds and I have more energy than I have had in years. My allergies also went away and I can now pet our cat. My family is also very excited that I stopped snoring. I continued the WildFit lifestyle after the 90 Day Challenge and I have lost a total of 77 pounds! I have had such fantastic results and I just feel so empowered on the WildFit lifestyle that I decided to become a WildFit coach. It’s so exciting teaching WildFit and seeing everyone transform right before my eyes. I feel so blessed helping others on their journey, it’s truly magical how it changes their whole lives and the lives of their loved ones. When you raise your standards, others will rise up to meet you.

WildFit before and after of Dr. Ryan Wagner - wildfit review

This WildFit review wouldn’t be complete without mentioning how fun the program is. You take the class with a group every week using live video conferencing.  It is great knowing that you are not alone on your journey. You also make some great friends along the way. Everyone is cheering everyone on. Their wins are your wins. There is also a private Facebook group for the class, so you can always reach out for support when you need it. Everyone also posts their favorite recipes so you always have the opportunity to try new foods. No boredom. You never go hungry on WildFit. Did I mention that there is no exercise requirement on WildFit? Yes, that’s right, I lost 77 pounds without exercise. Now that I have released all that weight, I now enjoy having an active lifestyle.

My wish for everyone is that they have the life that they have always dreamed of. It starts with self-care and truly supporting your body. After all, you only have one body. It’s wise to take care of it. When you feel great it allows all the other great things to flow into your life experience. I love coaching people through the WildFit 90 Day Challenge. I hope you enjoyed my WildFit review and I hope to see you transform in one of my upcoming classes.

WildFit 14 Day Reset

If you’re curious about WildFit but want to dip your toes in first, the WildFit 14 Day Reset is the perfect way to start! 🌟 It’s a transformative introduction to the program, giving you a taste of the first 14 days of WildFit. Experience real changes in how you feel and eat—without committing to the full 90-day journey just yet.

Take the first step toward a healthier, more vibrant you! 🎉 Ready to write your own WildFit review? Join the WildFit 14 Day Reset today and discover what’s possible!

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