
Category: Functional Medicine

5 Ways To Boost Metabolism
Functional Medicine
Ryan Wagner

7 Ways To Boost Metabolism

Our metabolic rate depends on age, gender, genetics, muscle mass, and physical activity level. As we cannot control or change

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Why Does Metabolism Slow Down
Functional Medicine
Ryan Wagner

Why Does Metabolism Slow Down?

Maintaining a stable metabolism is extremely important in weight balance and for one’s overall health. Some medical conditions and lifestyle

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Signs of Slow Metabolism
Functional Medicine
Ryan Wagner

Signs of Slow Metabolism

Metabolism is described as the overall chemical reactions inside a human body that changes nutrients from food into energy. Metabolism

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Nutrients For Thyroid Health
Functional Medicine
Ryan Wagner

Nutrients for Thyroid Health

Unexplained fatigue. Brain fog. Moodiness. Weight gain. Hair loss. Brittle nails….all of these can be signs of suboptimal thyroid function. 

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